We saw everything in Madrid from the oldest profession in the world to eating in the oldest restaurant in the world!
Anyway... back to reality and back to our latest permission JHF1.
We decided to split the the survey into two distinct areas; the first being a Deserted Medieval Village (DMV) and the second area exploring the Romano-British side of things.
With the focus on a newly seeded 80 acre field that has a DMV at one end and a possible Roman shrine at the other we settled down to the task at hand.
The first good signal was an early Medieval buckle depicting the "beast biting the bar". The second signal was a complete surprise being a denarius of Vespasian! Ironically there wasn't much in the way of metallic evidence but quite a few C14th jug handles came to light.
We then switched to the Romano-British era and started looking for the alleged Roman shrine that was supposed to be in the area. It is our belief that there are probably several small "shrines" in the vicinity.
After an hour of surveying the "Roman" end of the field and with no results at all we decided to check out an anomaly in the landscape.
Within seconds several fragments of Roman pottery were recovered including grey ware and Samian Ware.
It was almost inevitable that coinage was surely to follow and sure enough, it did! 15 more Roman coins were recovered but no other Roman artefacts were found.
The warm weather got the better of us so we decided to call in and see the landowners as we hadn't seen them for a few weeks.
As always, we had a warm welcome and discussed all that had gone on since we last met. From family weddings, holidays in Italy and Robs stag do in Madrid were some of the topics discussed.
We are so proud that the whole family enjoy what we do and the results produced.
We also discussed landowners nearby and we were given wholehearted support that we could use their references in trying to obtain permission on a very large Estate there.
On the way home we called in to another permission that we haven't been to for quite a while to drop off a new crucial asset we have developed.
One of the key area's here is a 4 acre field that an incredible amount of Medieval evidence that has been recovered in superb condition.
The next stop was the pub for a well deserved pint then tea at the very popular chip shop in the village.
HD images of the day's finds can be seen here.