One of our landowners noted that the usual annual rainfall was 24" per year. Last year the annual total was 62" and most of that fell between July and December 2023.
Our last outing was 14th January 2024 and there is a possibility that we may venture out this coming weekend.
The target field has quite a sandy loam mixture and quite soft when damp.
Some of the fields at this farm are probably out-of-bounds according to the landowner until April where they may have dried out slightly.
One of these fields is where we think there could be a possible Roman shrine.
We have a few projects and activities in the pipeline this year, so we'll let you know the outcome of those as we encounter them.
Some of these include a farm in Lancashire where there are possible Roman buildings; a Roman fort, a possible Anglo-Saxon religious site in Scotland, our annual dig looking for two Roman shrines, a couple of visits to ongoing archaeological digs and more!
We may visit to the BM soon to look at their Roman exhibition; 'Legion, life in the Roman army' which runs to the 23rd June 2024.
Whilst there, we will be handing over a treasure case item that has been ongoing for over two years.
Hopefully there will be a report on our outing this weekend, if the weather behaves!