We decided to cover the entire 8 acres of stubble that encompass the findspot where we recovered the Celtic Triskele Fob last week.
This area was briefly surveyed a couple of seasons ago with no finds of note being recovered. The trisklele fob was a complete surprise last week!
We were aprehensive but fairly optomistic that we may recover more Roman or Celtic evidence.
The day did warm up however to 3°C but a slight breeze kept it on the cool side.
Apart from buttons and lead, only two more Roman coins were found!
A few modern items such as tokens and love tokens made an appearance.
The Déus' were set up in GMP, 18khz, GB Tracking, Full Tones, 13" coils.
We cut the survey slightly short and decided to check on a couple of other survey sites in the area. One had been seeded, so a quick email to the landowner resulted in a "Yes" to survey on our next visit there.
The second field was still in stubble so we'll have to wait for that one to be ploughed and rolled in the next month or so.
We have five permissions in this area that are still awaiting rolling and seeding.
The images for the finds can be seen here.