Steve had a brilliant idea.... lets go fishing!
So, into the garage to check out my tackle (no facetious comments here please) and all is in good order. In the top of the box was a plastic wallet with my last licences in there........ 1993!!!!! Jeeps, that was the last time I did it as a serious hobby.
Anyway, all the tackle was in good order except for the landing net and keepnet. How the heck can you loose a twelve foot piece of equipment!!
Talking of licences, apparently you need one no matter where you fish, even a farmers pond. The next question is which licence?
you can purchase a day licence, an eight day licence and an annual one too. £3.70, £10 and £27 respectively. I opted for the day licence as I can't see myself fishing a great deal between now and 31st March 2015 when the annual one runs out.
Steve and I arranged to meet at the fishing ponds and it would be interesting to see how much I'd forgotten over the last 21 years!
Steve was already there when I arrived at 7:45am.
I chose a swim that was a little too shallow... 12 inches! I gave it a try for an hour or so and managed to catch a small bream.
Steve very kindly invited me to fish next to him on his peg.
In front of us were two large remnants of what remained of some trees sticking out of the water that had grown there. A great place for carp to lurk.
The fish were biting within seconds of the bait (luncheon meat) settleing. The problem was that they were small roach and bream that frequent the pond. The float was lifting and dropping constantly until they had successfully removed the bait.
I casted between the tree stump and the bank, about 6 feet out and about 18 inches in depth. The float stayed very still and I commented to Steve (in a cynical manner) that at least I'll keep my bait a lot longer! Two seconds later the float shot down without even a tremor or quiver.... WOW! I thought I'd hooked a nuclear submarine!! Afer guiding it around the first stump and then the second, it decided to go on a cruise beyond the stumps. The only problem was that one of the branches of the second stump protruded further than I'd have liked and the line snagged and snapped there.
All this happened in the space of 5 to 8 seconds!!
In all I was "seen off" 5 times and one of those was a repeat of the story above... that damned branch!
Steve was on hand to help land the ones that were giving me the run-around.
Roach, bream, common, crucian and mirror carp made up the catch.
Whilst waiting for the next "biggun" I swore I could hear the "Springwatch" theme tune.... it was my mobile somewhere amongst the mass of discarded clothing and tackle. It was a new landowner I was trying to reach for the last month or so. He said that he had quite a lot of stubble that was ready if I fancied it and in his words "with tons of archaeology" on it and has never been detected but has been fieldwalked. I must admit I was flummoxed.. I hadn't a clue who it was ringing and didn't have any of the farm info to hand.
Anyway, back to the angling aspect, here's a small selection of the days adventure.....