We ventured out onto a new permission that looked to be great on paper.
The first pass on was on a field that probably dates mid to the late Iron Age.
The only find of note was part of a trumpet brooch that was corroded but identifiable. The plus-side was that the soil was fantasticacally sandy and so easy to dig!
We noted another field nearby that had a Romano-British site on it but again, we didin't find anything...no iron, lead or more importantly... no pottery!
We drove 35 minutes to a site that we'd covered since 2015 and a particular area that has been nighthawked for 20-years.
We still managed to recover at least 32 pieces of Romano-British pottery and at least 32 Roman coins.
A lovely terret ring came up and some pieces of the pottery were great!
This weekend looks like a wash-out.
Here's a link to the HD images..... Here