2023 on the whole was quite a good year for Anglo-Saxon finds especially coinage.
In December last year we visited a site that has a small Roman villa with lots of tesserae recovered (91 pieces @ 1.4kg) and a small amount of Roman coinage and fibula fragments. The images can be seen here.
January 7th saw us in a field that has produced mainly Medieval artefacts with 1.4kg of C13th - C14th pottery as well as buckle fragments and four hammered coins.
Over 50 musket balls were recovered of various sizes.
Also, several pieces of worked flint were taken from the surface showing that the area has been used for over three thousand years.
The images for these finds can be seen here.
We are hoping to look at another field on the farm which is quite large but holds what we think is a Roman shrine.
Recent information shows that an area close to here has produced Roman alter stones and coinage during an archaeological dig.
Fingers crossed that we will have a decent report for our next post!