Annual Dig August 2024
The 'Big Yellow Trowel' arrived at 8am on Monday and began cutting the first of three trenches over what we thought might be a Roman shrine.
The first (and largest trench) started to reveal archaeology on the first cut!
The trench is roughly the shape of the capital letter 'F' and has what looks like robbed-out wall's, two hearth's, a roundhouse, pits, pottery, ditches with burnt items and lots of metal artefacts. These include 38 coins from the spoil heap, what may be at least three small coin hoards and a crossbow style brooch.
The other two trenches are exploratory cuts, one has no apparent features at present, and the other has two pits/ditches, the brooch was recovered from the latter trench in one of the pits.
This suggests that this trench is perhaps C3rd to C4th in date too.
it was our belief that small amounts of coinage was buried within the small pots as votive offerings.
Judging by the 30+ coins from one small area on the spoil heap, and lots of signals in the trench, it looks like there may be some of these hoards still in situ.
Each flag in the image below represents at least one coin or multiples of coins!